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2024 reflection


Getting laid off can really jump start one into considering new ventures. Last year was such a case.

While looking for work, I thought this was a once in a life time opportunity to learn something new. It really doesn't come often and if anyone with a family will know, or maybe having a family is not necessary, that after finishing school and heading into the work world having the time to learn a new skill is almost impossible. Your entire life is spent repeating the same thing and making income because every year those kids are going to need new shoes. This year I made a calculated risk and learned computer programming and game development. I still want to learn more, but the clock is ticking and the hustle for finding employment carries on.

I think it is worth it though. It wasn't a decision that came lightly. I went from knowing nothing to likely having a publisher for my new game. That's something isn't it? and at the same time I got to connect with a several friends who helped out. I definitely miss working with people I like.

The picture is of a small wheel I made for giving me some clarity. It's pretty common sense, but making it visual helps I think.

The first wheel is whether the subject is important or not. The second wheel is whether it will make me happy, others happy, both, or neither. The third wheel is whether it will cause suffering for myself, others, both, or neither. The fourth wheel is whether this is to affect the long term or it's only short term.



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